Advanced Science报道彭尚龙教授研究组在水系锌离子电池的重要研究进展

发布日期:2021-05-26 作者:    编辑:夏雪宁    来源:6163银河net163am



基于此,兰州大学物理科学与技术学院彭尚龙教授和黄娟娟副教授团队将层间修饰策略和赝电容行为结合起来应用于钒氧化物正极材料,获得了高倍率和长循环寿命水系锌离子电池。针对制备的具有较大层间距和大量氧缺陷的钒氧化物,通过层间引入Mn2+调控材料的层间微结构和电子结构,提高了钒氧化物的导电性和增强了结构稳定性,同时实现对锌离子迁移路径的调控和插层赝电容特性。将其用做水系锌离子正极展现出了高容量、高倍率和良好的循环稳定性。在电流密度为0.2 A/g时,电池可提供456 mAh/g的高比容量;在电流密度为40 A/g时,电池可提供173 mAh/g的高比容量,并且在10 A/g下的电流密度下,循环5000次仍能保持80%的比容量。该研究工作为水系锌离子电池的发展提供了新的思路。


1.层间嵌入的Mn2+[VO]层的氧形成配位键,加强了层间的相互作用使得层间距从14.3 Å减小至13.5 Å。同时,Mn2+通过静电相互作用提高了层间水的热力学稳定性,使得Mn2+作为层间支柱加强了整体结构稳定性。

2. Mn2+改变了MnVOH电极中Zn2+的迁移路径,降低Zn2+的迁移势垒,提高锌离子的迁移速率。

3. Mn2+调节了电极材料的电子结构并进一步提高了其电导率,这使得Zn(H2O)n2+的插入层间前的去溶剂化更容易。此外,我们通过分析DFT计算得到的Zn(H2O)n2+扩散能垒,证明了结合水可以促进Zn2+在层间的迁移。

相关的研究工作发表在Advanced Science国际权威期刊上(Hangda Chen, Juanjuan Huang, Lei Song, Shuhao Tian, Tianfeng Qin, Yanpeng Liu, Yanan Zhang, Xiaogang Wu, Shulai Lei,* Shanglong Peng*, “Interlayer Modification of Pseudocapacitive Vanadium Oxide and Zn(H2O)n2+ Migration Regulation for Ultrahigh Rate and Durable Aqueous Batteries”, Advanced Science, 2021, 2004924.),陈航达硕士和黄娟娟副教授为本论文共同一作,彭尚龙教授为本文通讯作者。论文计算部分与低维光电材料与器件湖北省重点实验室类淑来副教授合作。文章链接:


1 MnVOHVOH电极材料结构示意图和性能对比图


  Figure 1

Figure 1. a-c) SEM and TEM of MnVOH. d) EDS mapping of MnVOH. e,f) HRTEM of MnVOH and VOH, the yellow circle represents lattice defects. g) XRD patterns of MnVOH and VOH.

  Figure 2

Figure 2. a) XPS spectrum of Mn 2p3/2. b,c) The XPS spectrum of V 2p3/2 and O 1s of both samples. d) The partially fitted Raman spectra, the peak at 662 cm-1 demonstrates a Mn-O coordination bonds between Mn2+ and O2-. e) Differential scanning calorimetry curves of VOH and MnVOH. f) Optimized geometries of H2O adsorbed on VOH and MnVOH surface.

  Figure 3

Figure 3. a, b) Initial three CV curves of VOH and MnVOH collected at a sweep rate of 0.1 mV s-1. c) Initial three dis/charge curves of VOH and MnVOH at 0.2 A g-1. d) Average dis/charge voltage at 0.2 A g-1 of both samples. e) Rate capability at various current densities. f) Ragone plot of the Zn-ion batteries with different cation ion pre-inserted vanadium oxide. g) Cycling stability tested at 10 A g-1. h) Average dis/charge voltage at 10 A g-1.

  Figure 4

Figure 4. a) CV curves of MnVOH at multiple scan rates of MnVOH. b) Log (i) versus log (v) plots of four redox peaks in CV curves of MnVOH. c) The percentages of capacitive contributions at different scan rates. Schematic diagram of the diffusion path of zinc ions between layers, (d) VOH and (e) MnVOH. f) The corresponding diffusion energy barrier of (d) and (e).

  Figure 5

Figure 5. a) GITT plot collected at a current density of 0.2 A g-1. b) The reaction resistance during the charging and discharging process. c) Calculated total density of states (DOS) of VOH and MnVOH. d) EIS spectra of VOH and MnVOH before and after the initial four cycles at 0.2 A g-1. e) Zn2+ diffusion coefficient of both samples during the charging and discharging process calculated by GITT of (a). f) Transition energy barrier of Zn(H2O)n2+ with different n value in VOH.