
发布日期:2018-11-14 作者:null    编辑:    来源:6163银河net163am

应6163银河net163am与萃英学院的邀请,在美国The Johns Hopkins University做研究科学家的杨靖教授来访并做客6163银河net163am“格致﹒创新”论坛第三十四期,欢迎广大师生届时参加!

题目:Junctional angle of a bihanded helix




Helical filaments having sections of reversed chirality are common phenomena in the biological realm. The apparent angle between the two sections of opposite handedness provides information about the geometry and elasticity of the junctional region. The governing differential equations for the local helical axis are developed, and asymptotic solutions of the governing equations are solved by perturbation theory. The asymptotic solutions are compared with the corresponding numerical solutions, and the relative error at second order is found to be less than 1.5% over a range of biologically relevant curvature and torsion values from 0 to 1/2 in dimensionless units.


杨靖,本科毕业于西安交通大学锅炉设计与制造专业,获工学学士。后于美国University of Connecticut获生物医学科学博士。曾于美国University of Pennsylvania做访问学者,于美国Haverford Collage做博士后,于法国巴黎高等师范学校(?coleNormale Supérieure)做博士后,回国后曾于桂林电子科技大学任教。目前在美国The Johns Hopkins University访问做研究科学家(Research Scientist)。研究兴趣包括细菌迁移、生物流体力学,细胞力学,生物物理等。2018年菠萝科学奖数学奖得主。