2022年物理科学与技术学院“格致•创新”论坛第38期-Baohua Jia professor

发布日期:2022-10-17 作者:    编辑:李云鹏    来源:

主讲人:Baohua Jia professorRMIT University

  目:Graphene metamaterials and functional devices





Metamaterials comprising alternating graphene and dielectric layers are artificially structured materials designed to attain extremely high optical responses. Graphene-based metamaterials with layered artificial structure can enhance optical modulation; thus, theoretical studies have suggested that these materials can be useful in diverse applications. However, the fabrication of graphene-based metamaterials remains significantly challenging due to the inaccurate control and sophisticated transfer process of conventional mechanical exfoliation and deposition methods, restricting experimental demonstrations to only a few examples.[1] In this talk, I will present a low-cost solution-phase method that generates a multilayered metamaterial consisting of alternating monolayer graphene oxide (GO)/graphene and dielectric layers without a transfer step. The single-step method produces metamaterial on diverse substrates with arbitrary surfaces, shapes, and sizes. Such graphene metamaterials pave the way to multifunctional integrated devices due to their exceptional mechanical, thermal, optical, and electrical properties not available in conventional materials. This talk explores the optoelectronic applications of graphene metamaterials by using the direct laser printing (DLP) method.[2] Our results demonstrate the great potentials of graphene metamaterial films as an emerging integratable platform for ultrathin, light-weight and flexible photonic devices towards all-optical communications, microscopic imaging and energy storage applications.[3-6]


Baohua Jia joined RMIT in April 2022 as a full professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow in School of Science. Before joining RMIT Baohua was the Founding Director of Centre for Translational Atomaterials at Swinburne University of Technology. Prof. Jia’s research focuses on the fundamental light and nano-and atomaterial interactions. In particular her work on laser manipulation of two-dimensional materials has led to the design and fabrication of functional nanostructures and nanomaterials for effective harnessing and storage of clean energy from sunlight, purifying water and air for clean environment and imaging, spectroscopy and nanofabrication using ultrafast laser towards fast-speed all-optical communications and intelligent manufacturing. Prof. Jia has co-authored more than 230 scientific publications in highly ranked journals and prestigious international conferences. She has delivered more than 60 keynote/invited talks at prestigious international conferences and serves multiples professional committees. She has received numerous prizes and awards, including the ARC Future Fellow, DECRA and APD, Finalist for the Prime Minister’s Science Awards, Young Tall Poppy Science Award, and L’Oréal Australia and New Zealand for Women in Science Fellowship et al.