2023年6163银河net163am“格致•创新”论坛-吴镝 教授

发布日期:2023-07-18 作者:    编辑:夏雪宁    来源:

主讲人:吴镝 教授(南京大学)

题目:Picosecond spin current generation from antiferromagnetic insulators





Spin currents play a central role in transporting or/and manipulating information in spintronic devices. The development of ultrafast spintronic devices calls for approaches to generate and manipulate ultrafast spin current. In this talk, after a short review on the ultrafast spin current generation, I will introduce our recent progress on the generation of a picosecond transient spin current from the antiferromagnetic films by laser pulses at room temperature and zero external magnetic field. It is converted into the detectable Thz emission in the adjacent heavy metal via the inverse spin Hall effect. The spin current originates from a magnetic-dipole difference-frequency generation due to the inversion symmetry broken. We further propose a model based on the symmetry broken to quantitatively explain the experimental results. Our work exhibits a new avenue to optically generate ultrafast spin current with broking the inversion symmetry.

