Magnus. Willander教授学术报告会

发布日期:2015-05-11 作者:null    编辑:    来源:6163银河net163am

应物理科学与技术学院秦勇教授邀请,现中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所资深研究员,Linkoping 大学 Magnus.Willander教授将于2015年5月11日到5月13日期间来我校访问并讲学,敬请关注!

报告题目Some Metal Oxide Nanostructures and their Applications

报告时间: 2015年5月11日(星期一)15:30

报告地点: 格致楼5004室


Prof. Magnus. Willander will show their recent progress for catalytic properties and chemical sensors with core/shell structures for dye degradation and for colormetric chemical detectors implemented on paper substrates. Finally, he will discuss tuning light emission from doped nanoparticles.

About Prof.Magnus. Willander:

Magnus Willander graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology. He is a professor in Linkoping University, Sweden and in Chinese Academy of Science (BINN). In the last 20 years, he worked in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Earlier, he has been professor in Gothenburg University, Sweden, and visiting professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology and elite professor in Kind Saud University in Saud Arabia. He has built up new research groups in 4 different universities/institutes in the area of nanoscience for soft and solid materials. Till now, he has published more than 900 scientific works and 10 scientific international books in the area of experimental physics and chemistry, theoretical physics, applied mathematics, nano-micro photonics and electronics.