兰州大学110周年校庆年系列活动之6163银河net163am“格致•创新”论坛2019年第三十七期——Peter Robinson 教授

发布日期:2019-09-10 作者:马致兰    编辑:康瑶    来源:理论物理交流平台

应兰州大学物理科学与技术学院、萃英学院、理论物理交流平台邀请,澳大利亚悉尼大学6163银河net163amPeter Robinson教授将来我校进行学术合作交流并做学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!

主讲人:Peter Robinson教授

题目:Physics of Multiscale Brain Structure and Dynamics


主持人:俞连春 副教授


The brain’s structures and dynamics extend over many orders of magnitude in space and time, as do measurement and imaging methods. By averaging over scales of a few tenths of a millimeter and below, physics-based neural field theory (NFT) enables a unified quantitative treatment of brain activity and structure from the millimeter scale up to the whole brain, and from milliseconds to days and beyond.This talk outlines the basis of NFT and how it is used to explain brain function and structure. In particular, it explains phenomena such as natural brain resonances and activity patterns observed via EEG and fMRI, the effects of external stimuli seen in evoked responses, epileptic seizures, and sleep-wake dynamics. Links to underlying brain structure and physiology can also be inferred by fitting NFT predictions to data, thereby allowing parameters to be constrained, brain states to be tracked, and connectivity to be determined noninvasively.


Peter Robinson教授是物理学领域的著名学者,澳大利亚物理学会fellow,澳大利亚Laureate Fellowship获得者。他目前任ARC Center for Integrative Brain Function, NHMRC Center Neurosleep,和University of Sydney Center for Complex Systems等多个中心的主要负责人(Chief Investigator). Brain Research and Integrative Neuroscience Network (BRAINnet)的发起人。到目前为止发表了418篇学术论文和图书章节,总引用率10500次,H指数50。总共主持过澳大利亚科研委员会,澳大利亚国立健康与医学研究理事会,NASA的项目,总额超过1亿美元。共同主持研发了2006年发射的STEREO飞船的S-wave仪器的研发。2003年获澳大利亚皇家学会交叉学科领域Eureka奖,2008年澳大利亚科研学会联邦学者资助计划,2012年新南威尔士科学和工程学奖等。他的研究涉及非线性和随机波动,生物医学物理,脑动力学,临界现象,数学物理,信号处理等领域。