理论物理交流平台系列报告——Tharnier Puel de Oliveira博士后

发布日期:2019-09-12 作者:马致兰    编辑:马致兰    来源:理论物理交流平台

应6163银河net163am程晨老师邀请,浙江大学Tharnier Puel de Oliveira博士后近日来访并作学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!

题目:Mixed-Order Symmetry-Breaking Quantum Phase Transition Far From Equilibrium

报告人:Tharnier Puel de Oliveira博士后





In analogy with thermal equilibrium, the out-of-equilibrium critical phenomena is far less understood. We explore the non-equilibrium steady-state of a transverse magnetic field Ising chain coupled at its ends to magnetic thermal reservoirs. We generalize the phase diagram to non-equilibrium conditions obtained by applying a magnetization bias to the reservoirs [1]. Upon increasing the bias we observe a novel critical phenomena not possible at equilibrium. Moreover, for steady-states with a non-vanishing conductance, the entanglement entropy at the zero temperature was found to have logarithmic corrections that differ from the well-known equilibrium case.

[1] T.O. Puel and S. Chesi and S. Kirchner and P. Ribeiro, Physical Review Letters 122, 235701 (2019).

* This work was supported by NSFC China, FCT Portugal, and National Key R&D Program of the MOST of China.


Since his PhD in 2014 (Brasil/Portugal) up to his current Posdoctoral position at Zhejiang University, Dr. Tharnier O. Puel’ research covers different fields on Solid State Physics, with focus on the effect of multi-bands in non-conventional superconductivity and physics of non-equilibrium open quantum systems.