
发布日期:2019-11-20 作者:曹杉杉    编辑:马致兰    来源:理论物理交流平台


题目:Probing hot nuclear matter with jets and heavy quarks


时间:2019年11月27日 上午10:00



摘要:Nuclear matter is heated beyond two trillion degrees in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and becomes a strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma (QGP). In this talk, heavy quarks and jets are utilized to probe the QGP properties. A coupled linear Boltzmann transport and hydrodynamics model (CoLBT-hydro) is developed for concurrent simulation of jet propagation and hydrodynamic evolution in high-energy nuclear collisions. Diverse microscopic scattering processes (elastic and inelastic) are incorporated for parton showers, and both massive and massless partons are calculated on the same footing. Energy deposition from jets into nuclear matter is treated as source term of hydrodynamic evolution. Within this CoLBT-hydro model, nuclear modification of heavy and light flavor hadrons are simultaneously described. Evidence of jet-induced medium excitation is explored with photon-triggered jets, where significant enhancement of soft hadron production is found due to energy deposition from jets.

报告人简介:曹杉杉,美国韦恩州立大学博士后。2014年于美国杜克大学获博士学位。随后于2014-2016年在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室从事博士后工作,2016至今工作于韦恩州立大学。先后担任美国能源部资助的JET Collaboration中重夸克工作组负责人,美国自然科学基金资助的JETSCAPE Collaboration中物理建模工作组以及统计学工作组的召集人。