
发布日期:2020-12-24 作者:6163银河net163am    编辑:6163银河net163am    来源:6163银河net163am


目:How to make “good” inorganic phosphors: A theoretical insight based on the structure-property relationship


间:2020年12月25日上午 9:00




The talk will demonstrate how to enhance the optical performance of various inorganic phosphors by drawing the inspiration from the theoretical elucidation of the structure-structure relationship. Such a computational design philosophy was implemented on the two aspects of the spectroscopic investigation of inorganic phosphors, i.e., the electronic structure and optical transition intensity. For the former, Ce3+ and Eu2+ ions-doped materials will be chosen as the main examples due to their wide applications to white LEDs and clear electronic structure descriptions based on the DFT-based crystal-field theory [1]. And the confirmation of the validity of the novel “chemical unit co-substitution” strategy is shown to highlight the role of the theoretical work in the discovery of novel phosphors [2]. For the latter, the theoretical schemes that we proposed to enhance the spectral intensity for an improvement of characteristics of phosphors will be summarized and applied to understanding the recent experimental results. For example, the theoretical analysis of the luminescence mechanism of neat and Eu2+-doped Sr9.08Mn1.04Li0.76(PO4)7 can be used to provide a quantitative guidance to the experimental design of the novel red phosphors containing Mn2+ ions [3]. More recently, the theoretical method proposed has been applied to the very hot field of f-elements activated halide perovskites, as the calculated electronic structures of rare earth-doped CsPbX3 (X=F, Cl and Br) for our collaborators in Jilin University can be thought of as a good reference for clarifying the photon-electric up-conversion mechanism of CsPbF3: Zn2+/Yb3+/Er3+(or Tm3+) nanocrystals [4].


马崇庚,男,1980年生,重庆邮电大学-伦敦布鲁内尔大学交叉创新研究院院长/中国科学技术大学物理学博士/重庆市三级教授(兼任波兰卡迪娜尔×斯蒂芬×维辛斯基大学讲席教授),欧盟“Mobilitas”博士后基金获得者(2010-2013),ICOM-Asia国际会议主席,《发光学报》青年编委,重庆市高校理论物理创新团队负责人,中国稀土学会光电材料与器件专业委员会理事,重庆市物理学协会理事,重庆市青年科技领军人才协会理事,重庆市欧美同学会理事。其研究兴趣聚焦在三个方面:1)发光材料中的物理问题;2)新能源材料的探索;3)强关联系统计算方法的发展。现已以通讯作者身份在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Adv. Funct. Mater、Nano Energy等国际高水平SCI期刊上发表84篇论文(H指数21,他引近2000次,其中ESI收录2篇,单篇最高引用260次),出版学术专著1部和学术章节1次,个人承担省部级以上科研项目18项,担任近20个国际知名SCI杂志如Angewandte的审稿人,是塞尔维亚国家科学基金、波兰国家科学基金和中国国家自然科学基金的函评专家,并多次受邀在亚洲荧光粉论坛(Phosphor Safari)、美国电化学会议(PRiME)等国际重要学术会议上作特邀报告20次,担任分会主席10次。2013年8月荣获国际固体激发态动力学会议(DPC’13)最佳学术展报奖;2018年12月以第一完成人身份荣获重庆市自然科学三等奖1项。