
发布日期:2021-01-05 作者:    编辑:夏雪宁    来源:6163银河net163am


目:First-principles calculations of MoSx nanocrystals for highly harvesting lithium storage

报告人:类淑来 副教授





Two-dimensional (2D) monolayers are promising in electrochemical energy storages (EES), while their performance is still far below than that can be exploited. Understanding 2D monolayers, particularly thin nanocrystals (NCs) with and without surface modifications in EES would be interesting. This work demonstrates how monolayered molybdenum sulfide (Mo-S) NCs with S vacancies perform as a promising anode material to improve many aspects of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), by utilizing their metallicity, multi-layer adsorption, minimized self-discharge and fast 2D capacitive processes. By way of examples, we demonstrate an increasing trend of the energy capacity and improved lithium diffusion kinetics associating with the S vacancy and phase change, a discharge capacity of 1409 mAh g-1 at 0.1 A g-1, and even reach the capacitive dominated (> 814.7 mAh g-1) capacity at 1 A g-1. It demonstrates that the surface modified Mo-S NCs can be well used in LIBs. There may be also considerable opportunities of similar 2D materials in LIBs and beyond (e.g. supercapacitor) which can fully exploit the fast 2D capacitive process and high surface capacity.


类淑来,物理化学博士,低维光电材料与器件湖北省重点实验室副教授,能量存储与转化材料理论设计及性能预测科技创新团队负责人。2013年中国科学技术大学博士毕业,导师为杨金龙院士和李群祥教授。2013年到2017年赴德国柏林自由大学进行博士后研究工作,合作导师是理论与计算化学研究所所长Beate Paulus教授。2017年到中科院从事能源材料的研究工作。2018年底加入低维光电材料与器件湖北省重点实验室,主要从事新型能源材料和低维纳米材料的第一性原理理论设计及性能预测。获得教师技能大赛最佳人气奖1次,防疫典型表扬1次,被评为科研之星1次,疫情防控先进个人1次。已经发表SCI论文30余篇,引用700余次,参与并完成国家级研究课题5项,主持在研科技创新团队项目1项,市厅重点项目1项。