
发布日期:2021-04-13 作者:    编辑:夏雪宁    来源:兰州理论物理中心


题目:Emergent U(1) symmetry and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in a triangular-lattice quantum Ising material TmMgGaO4





The low-energy physics of TmMgGaO4 is described by a triangular-lattice transverse-field antiferromagnetic Ising model. We determine a low-energy effective model for the material by comparing quantum many-body numerical simulations and experimental results. This model has an emergent U(1) symmetry and two Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transitions at finite temperatures, which bounds a BKT phase with quasi-long-range spin-spin correlations. Inspired by studies of BKT transitions in 2D superfluids, we study spin-lattice relaxation times in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, and observed a plateau in 1/T1, which can be attributed to the low-energy excitations in the BKT phase. The experimental findings can be explained by quantum Monte Carlo simulations applied on our effective model. These results provide a concrete example for the BKT phase and offer an ideal platform for future investigations on the BKT physics in magnetic materials.


戚扬,2005年本科毕业于清华大学物理系,2010年于美国哈佛大学物理系获博士学位,导师为Sachdev教授。2010年至2014年在清华大学高等研究院任副研究员;2014年至2016年在加拿大理论物理圆周研究所做访问教授;2016年至2017年在美国麻省理工学院物理系傅亮教授课题组做博士后。201711月起加入复旦大学任研究员。近年来的主要研究方向为强关联量子多体系统的理论研究,包括拓扑物态的分类、阻挫磁性系统和量子自旋液体、高温超导理论等。截止目前在包括Nature Communications, PRX, PRL, PRB等国际学术期刊上发表论文40余篇。