
Professor Yang Junbo from National University of Defense Technology is a guest at the 22nd "Gezhi·Innovation" Forum

On the afternoon of November 13, 2020, at the invitation of the physical science and technology and Tsuying college, Professor Yang Junbo of National University of Defense Technology made an academic report entitled "Research on Digital Nano-Photonic Devices Based on Reverse Design" at 3005, Gezhi Building, Chengguan Campus. The report was chaired by Associate Professor Tian Yonghui.

Professor Yang Junbo shared with us the algorithm of reverse design, some basic devices based on algorithm design and chip level applications from the perspective of improving chip integration and reducing device size. In the algorithm part, Professor Yang mainly introduces DBS algorithm, goal first algorithm, deep learning algorithm and so on. After that, Professor Yang showed Us the single function devices such as polarization beam splitter and cross waveguide based on DBS algorithm, and then introduced the devices that combined multiple functions, such as the device combining polarization beam splitting function with mode conversion function. In the report, Professor Yang introduced to us the design of a structure color device. By using the combination of micro and Nano structures of different sizes, permanent and pollution-free color graphics can be designed on the surface of the device. At the same time, we can use the combination of structure color and phase control to realize holographic technology.

After the report, Professor Yang Junbo had an in-depth exchange and discussion with the teachers and students who came to listen to the report, and answered the questions about the application of reverse design in improving the Q value of microring resonator, and realizing the reconfigurable characteristics of devices by using reverse design, so that teachers and students have a more comprehensive understanding of photonic devices based on reverse design.