
The youth soars on the arena, teachers and students cooperate to create new achievements--The School of Physical Science and Technology held 2021 Spring Teachers and Students' Sports Meet

In order to further implement the "Educating Five Domains Simultaneously", the "Three-wide Education" working mechanisms, promote the "three walks into" action, enrich the students' extracurricular life, the School of Physical Science and Technology held the 2021 Spring Teachers and Students' Sports Meet in the Yuzhong campus on the morning of April 10. All team members of the college, the Deputy Secretary of the School League Committee, Peirong Teng, the Associate Dean of Lanzhou University Cuiying Honors College,Yongren Wang, the Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Duqian Ding, all head teacher of the undergraduate students in the college, some teachers and all undergraduate students attended the opening ceremony.

Along with the passionate "The March of the Athletes", 16 student teams followed the national flag and the college flag team through the podium in turn and displayed the characteristics of the class, the loud slogans, neat queues, and meticulous arrangement won rounds of applause from the teachers and students, demonstrating the uplifting spirit of the students of School of Physical Science and Technology. The Secretary of the Party Committee of the college, Guojun Wu, announced the opening of the sports meet. The Vice Dean of the College, Professor Xiang Liu, delivered an opening speech. In speech, Xiang Liu reviewed the reform measures and fruitful achievements of the college in talent training in recent years, and highly affirmed the outstanding achievements of the college teachers and students in sports events at all levels. Professor Xiang Liu encouraged the students to achieve three points: one is to love sports, improve their physical fitness, and develop a good habit of exercising every day; second, to sharpen their will, temper their moral cultivation, and acquire outstanding qualities in sports; third, be able to fight hard, bravely shoulder the burden of the times, cultivate an international vision on the "Two Strategies", and strengthen the feelings of family and country. The 2019 undergraduates, Xiang Yu and Zhixiong Huang, took the oath on behalf of the athletes and referees respectively. The students from the college cheerleading team, the school nunchaku association and the college student art troupe presented a wonderful opening ceremony performance.

In the competition, the athletes performed well, fully demonstrating the energetic mental state of the students from the School of Physical Science and Technology. Teacher-student fun projects such as football chariot and penguin walk have shortened the distance between teachers and students and deepened their friendship. Although the temperature on the Yuzhong campus was low and cold on the day of the sports meet, the sound of commands, music, shouts, and laughter in the stadium created a lively scene of excitement, joy and harmony.

At 16 o'clock in the afternoon, the sports meet ended successfully. At the closing ceremony, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College,Yan Wang, the class teacher of the 2020 class, Wenjing Liu, and the class teacher of the 2018 class, Yin Zhong, respectively awarded medals and honor certificate to the groups and individuals who won the "Sports Pacesetter", "Sportsmanship Award" and the top ten group scores.