
Lecture Team of Mechanics

Shao-Wen Wei


Introduction: The Lecture Team of Mechanics has 10 staff, (5 professors, 1 young research professorsand 4 associate professors). Responsible courses include mechanics I-III,general relativity, cosmology. Mechanics I-III adopts the classical mechanicsand theoretical mechanics. These courses adopt a approach that studying thesingle mass point first and then move to multi-particle system, so thatstudents can learn how to use Newtonian mechanics or analytical mechanics todeal with a mechanical problem and provide students with independent learningability. General relativity is a theory that describes the gravitationalinteraction between objects. The course is for the students of theoreticalphysics. The purpose is to make the students understand the basic principles ofrelativity, deeply understand the concept of "gravity", and enrichtheir knowledge for further research in this field. Cosmology is an electivecourse. Through the study of this course, students can get a more comprehensiveunderstanding of the universe that we live in, improve scientific literacy, andestablish a holistic view of the universe.