
发布日期:2019-09-16 作者:马致兰    编辑:马致兰    来源:理论物理交流平台


题目:Photoinduced enhancement of bond order in the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model





摘要:We investigate the real-time dynamics of the half-filled one-dimensional extended Hubbard model in the strong-coupling regime, when driven by a transient laser pulse. Starting from a wide regime displaying a charge- density wave in equilibrium, a robust photoinduced in-gap state appears in the optical conductivity, depending on the parameters of the pulse. Here, by tuning its conditions, we maximize the overlap of the time-evolving wave function with excited states displaying the elusive bond-ordered wave of this model. Finally, we make a clear connection between the emergence of this order and the formation of the aforementioned in-gap state, suggesting the potential observation of purely electronic (i.e., not associated with a Peierls instability) bond-ordered waves in experiments involving molecular crystals.

报告人简介:邵灿博士2012年本科毕业兰州大学物理学基地班,2017年在兰州大学获得博士学位,师从于陆汉涛副教授和罗洪刚教授,2018年至今在北京计算科学研究中心继续从事科学研究工作(导师Rubem Mondaini),主要专注于强关联电子领域的发展,尤其是对其中非平衡动力学的数值模拟有着丰富的研究经验。