理论物理交流平台系列报告——Tilen Cadez博士

发布日期:2019-09-23 作者:马致兰    编辑:马致兰    来源:理论物理交流平台

应6163银河net163am程晨老师邀请,北京计算科学研究中心Tilen Cadez博士近日来访并作学术报告。欢迎广大师生届时参加!

题目: Dynamical Localization and Delocalization in Floquet Systems

报告人:Tilen Cadez博士





In the first part of the talk I will present Anderson localization and some related recent experiments. Then I will present our work on the localization aspects of kicked noninteracting one-dimensional quantum system of spinless fermions and a topological superconductor subject to either time-periodic or aperiodic pulses. The universality class of the transition from delocalized to localized regimes is studied in the case of time-periodic and spatially quasi-periodic kicks. In the case of aperiodic kicks, delocalization ultimately sets in and a diffusive spreading of an initial wave packet is obtained even for small time-aperiodicity of the driving [1]. In the case of Floquet topological superconductors [2], one finds both Majorana and Andreev edge modes in the topological regime. In the intermediate driving period regime, one can identify a region in the phase diagram with a mobility edge between critical and localized states. Finally, we analyze the robustness of the Majorana modes to deviations on the driving period, finding that despite their decay into the bulk, they remain self-conjugate.

[1] T Cadez, R Mondaini, P D Sacramento, PRB 96, 144301 (2017)

[2] T Cadez, R Mondaini, P D Sacramento, PRB 99, 155109 (2019)


Tilen Cadez obtained his PhD from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2013. He was a Postdoctoral associate at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana, Slovenia before moving to Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), where he was a Postdoctoral Fellow between 2014-2019. Currently he is a visiting researcher at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITP CAS). His research interests include: I) topological, II) disordered, III) driven and IV) one-dimensional strongly correlated systems.基金项目号: 11650110443