
Discipline of Material science

The Department of Materials Science was founded in 1984. The department consists of the first-level discipline of Materials Science and Engineering, the second-level discipline of Materials Physics and Chemistry, Materials Science and Materials Engineering. The discipline of Materials Physics and Chemistry was identified as the first batch of master's degree in 1990. In 1998, it was identified as the first batch of doctoral program. In 2018, the first-level discipline of Materials Science and Engineering was identified as a national first-level discipline doctoral program. The Materials Science and Engineering is the key specialties of Gansu Province.

The Department of Materials Science has a highly competitive faculty, consisting at present of 16 professors, 22 associate professors, 6 lecturer, and 3 engineers/staff, including one the Ministry of education of Changjiang River scholar Professor, one winners of in the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, one winners of in the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, and three members of the Ministry of education of New Century Excellent Talents.

A number of laboratories and centers are also hosted within the Department of Materials Science. These include the Education Ministry Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Material of China, the Education Ministry Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials and Structural Design, the Gansu Laboratory for Optical Functional Materials Engineering, National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Optical Conversion Materials and Technology as well as other teaching and research institutions. Combining the international academic frontier with the country's major strategic needs, we not only encourage original research on basic science, but also actively promote applied research to address national major scientific, technological, and industrial demands.

Erqing Xie
